Green Thumb

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

What in the world does my blog name mean?

What in the world does my blog name mean?
It sounds whimsical and I will be the first to admit, wishful. I wish that my thumb was green, and that all of my beautiful plants didn't die half way through the summer. It just so happens that there is a scientific reason for my apparent lack of green thumbness. The heat in Florida has been unusually intense, and until recently, we had no rain to speak of. Combine that with sandy soils, regardless of how many trips I made to hardware stores to balance that component with peat and other absorbent matter...and well, there you have it. There were a few over achievers in my garden who managed to flourish in spite of such conditions. I have to give it to my serranno chili plant that produced well over 50 peppers. If only I needed that many. The basil did quite well in the only partly shady corner of my lawn. And the cactus endures, for obvious reasons. But the gold medal goes to the bamboo, even after we dumped various chemicals on it to kill it off, (which will go unnamed), it keeps coming back for more...ugh. Bamboo is meant for floors and sheets, not small flower gardens.

Back to the blog name, pink giraffe symbolizes my creative nature. If you haven't noticed, wild giraffes aren't pink. However, take something natural and combine it with a little imagination, and there you go. When it comes to the imagination, there are no rules. Why pink? It puts me back in touch with my inner girl power. Believe me, after I get home day after day and peel off my scrubs, I need a slap with a pink giraffe to pull me out of dulldrom. Sounds like a mixed drink...any recipe suggestions?

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